Friday, March 17, 2006


Here is Sean's scarf. I finished the first skein and the length isn't that impressive considering he wants it long. I added just about 100 more rows. It totally sucked because I found a mistake about 5 rows down and ended up taking out 40 rows trying to figure out how to fix the damn thing.

This picture down here is of my third attempt at adding the new ball of yarn. I had to pull the sucker out and restart. It was beyond frustrating and I had a few choice words about knitting in general. I guess when you're teaching yourself out of a crappy book, you get what you pay for. Although, I bought a new book that's pretty cool. It actually has real pictures, hence the job I'm showing below.

I had ran into a problem of having a segment of yarn that was loose and didn't seem to be in the right space, which is the reason why I pulled it out to begin with. I just did a little secret something to make it disappear and I am going on my way like nothing's wrong. Since it doesn't look like it anymore. If it happens again, I'm going to take a picture so maybe some one out there can tell me what I am doing wrong.

At least I hope that's right being as I don't have any other examples. In the midst of my frustration, Sean told me to just pull the whole thing out and crochet it.
I didn't even look at him. Only I could suggest and do such a thing, not him. lol I'm worried I didn't buy enough yarn. At least it's not dye lotted or anything.

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