Thursday, March 30, 2006

Ethanael's Blanket

I've been working like a mad woman on Ethanael's blanket. I don't know if they are coming for Easter but that's my new try to get it done by- deadline. This moon took me several days to complete. I'm shocked by how long it takes to cross-stitch. I actually think it has to do with how long it takes me to find my place on the chart again and then my place on the piece, etc... I'm sure by that time a full five minutes have probably passed.

In this particular segment of the blanket, I still have to complete the blanket that the teddy bear is sleeping on and the teddy bear and above that the rack for the mobile. Once that has been completed, I have one last teddy bear to cross stitch in the upper right corner and then I start the process of outlining the entire thing. I hope it wasn't a mistake saving the outlining for last.

After that has been completed. I have to purchase a backing for the blanket and I've already purchased the filling for it. Then it's just a matter of sewing it all together. Which, BTW, I do not know how to sew. Should be fun.

I've been thinking about looking for an area on it that might fit his name and DOB. I'd like to embroider it on there. Of course, I don't know how to do that either. I don't know why I take on such ambitious projects for my first ones. Probably because I don't know any better.

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