Saturday, September 29, 2007

HA! Wasn't that the funniest

thing you ever read a YEAR ago... so naive.

I've been missing crafting forever. Actually, I have made a couple of things that I should say rocked my world for several weeks being that I needed to learn to sew and how to use a sewing machine.

But I made three baptismal dresses for the kids earlier in the year. It might have been a smidge easier if the kids were still babies... but here they are:

uh...well...can't find the pics without them in them and I can't post those with them in them. I'll take pics of them and post them later.

The other thing I have been working on is my nephe/Godson's (Isaiah) blanket. Here's some of the cross -stitching I have done so far:

I have to go back in and do the fill in work but I like to save that for last for some weird reason.

The theme is transportation. I've already chosen the fabric that these are going to be quilted on. I have about 4 or 6 more transportation objects to cross-stitch before I go back and fill them in. I should take a pic of the fabric I chose for the background and post that too.

That will be for another time though since I've had this sitting in draft for 25 days already...

Back to craft blogging...YAY!~

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