Saturday, September 29, 2007

Recently finished objects

CURTAINS... The second thing to dresses that I have learned to sew so far.

I don't really know HOW...I just looked at the curtains that I had bought....bought fabric and measured my windows. (I know all the people who sew out there are like "uh oh!" and I'll explain for the rest of us in a minute and sewed away. my mistakes...

Measure the windows first (duh!)

Then buy fabric...

Then measure before cutting fabric

Then pin, pin, pin the edges.

Did I say pin the edges?
Pin the edges

Then sew.... oh a straight line is preferred... pins help


The above were my first. They came out perfect. The ones below, my second...not so perfect.

My fabric was way tooo short (but oh so cute!) so I thought that I would solve that by splitting it the way that I did. However, I didn't think it through I cut them out as two seperate panels including what I had decided to make the valance. Which is fine for the panels but not for the valance.

UPDATED: I should add close-ups of the fabric so you can see it's

Here's the valance and below is one of the panels.

But still, all was not lost. My next mistake (yup, another) is that I thought "Heck, those lines on the other set of curtains were so easy. I probably don't need to measure or pin." and so I didn't.

Now for the shoulds...

My valance came out crooked. If I had thought it through I should have left that one piece. Even after I cut it, I should have either sewed it back together as one piece and then measured and pinned or I should have measured them exactly and pinned them to make sure they were sewn exactly the same.

Of course, if I wanted to be picky...I should have opened the fabric before I bought it and measured. But hey, the fabric was only $1 a yard! It was a steal!

If I wanted to be really picky, I should have had the measurements of the windows in my purse so I would have known exactly what I need but uh what's that saying about Hindsight...*giggle*

But...seems to me the great thing about sewing is that it can be undone.

So, for now the second curtains hang while I ponder exactly how to fix them. I want to make sure I think this through because I have this plan....

HA! Wasn't that the funniest

thing you ever read a YEAR ago... so naive.

I've been missing crafting forever. Actually, I have made a couple of things that I should say rocked my world for several weeks being that I needed to learn to sew and how to use a sewing machine.

But I made three baptismal dresses for the kids earlier in the year. It might have been a smidge easier if the kids were still babies... but here they are:

uh...well...can't find the pics without them in them and I can't post those with them in them. I'll take pics of them and post them later.

The other thing I have been working on is my nephe/Godson's (Isaiah) blanket. Here's some of the cross -stitching I have done so far:

I have to go back in and do the fill in work but I like to save that for last for some weird reason.

The theme is transportation. I've already chosen the fabric that these are going to be quilted on. I have about 4 or 6 more transportation objects to cross-stitch before I go back and fill them in. I should take a pic of the fabric I chose for the background and post that too.

That will be for another time though since I've had this sitting in draft for 25 days already...

Back to craft blogging...YAY!~